Dana Norton
Second Grade Teacher, Ed.S.
Contact Information for Digital Learning Days:
Office Hours: 9am - 2pm
I can be reached through "Remind" or email. If you have any questions, please let me know.
There is a choice board link on Mrs. Parker's teacher page where students can go online and do activities related to stem, PE and art. Check it out!
Digital Learning
Week 1 Plan (click on weekly plan to pull it up)
Weekly Plans are on Google Classroom.
Websites(click on the blue links for quicker access)
(A/R) Accelerated Reader - (AR login)
IXL - (AR login)
Reflex Math - (Teacher Username - 2norton, choose classroom, choose name, lunch #)
myON - (Ithica Elem., lunch #, lunch #)
(first name, last name, lunch #)
ex: DanaNorton 44556
EPIC - (class code is: thl3823)
Google Classroom (login information in agenda)
Education Galaxy - (AR login)
Sumdog - (first name, last name, lunch #)
ex: DanaNorton 44556

I was born and raised in Carroll County. I live in Carrollton (Sandhill) with my wonderful husband. He is an aircraft mechanic at Delta Airlines. We have two amazing children! My daughter Amanda is a former TITAN! She played soccer for Bay Springs Middle School and was on the VR varsity soccer team. She attended the University of West Georgia, then transferred to Middle Ga. State University and graduated with her A&P License. She now works at Delta Airlines as an aircraft mechanic. My son Jared played baseball for BSMS and VR. He attended the UWG and transferred to Southern Poly in Marietta, GA. He graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering and works for Hughes-Ray Co., Inc.
My Favorite things:
Sports Team: Georgia Bulldogs
Hobbies: reading and traveling
Candy: Hershey's kisses (plain chocolate)
Drinks: Ice water with lemon, sweet tea, and coffee
Graduate of Villa Rica High School
B.S.Ed. in Early Childhood Education - 2000
State University of West Ga.
M. Ed. in Early Childhood Education - 2oo4
Piedmont College
Ed. S. in Curriculum and Instruction -2007
Piedmont College
Villa Rica Primary (2000 - 2004)
First Grade
Ithica Elementary (2004 - present)
Second, Third, & Fourth grades - (currently second)