Parenting Resource Center

We invite you to visit the Title I Parent Resource Area at Ithica Elementary School. It is located in the conference room across from the front office and is open during school hours. We have very beneficial reading materials to help you provide the best assistance to your child's education. We also have a game center that you can check out games for your own Family Game Night.
If there is any specific information you are in need of, feel free to contact our IES Parent Engagement Coordinator - Amanda Swint at 678-840-5101 or via email at amanda.swint@carrollcountyschools.com. You can also contact Kay Morgan, District Parent Coordinator, via email at kay.morgan@carrollcountyschools.com.
Carroll County System Title I Resources

CCS FY25 Parent and Family Engagement Plan
CCS Draft Copy of FY24 Parent and Family Engagement Plan
CCS Building Parent Capacity - Spanish
CCS FY24 Carroll County Schools Annual Title I Meeting Announcement
Complaint Procedures for Federal Programs
Click here for Federal Program Complaint Procedures
Click here for the Governor's Office of Student Achievement (GOSA)
Helpful Info:
The link below is the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) . The ACP provides monetary assistance to qualifying families to help cover the cost of internet service. Take a look at the program. It is a helpful tool.
IES Title I Resources

Title I Resources
Parents Right to Know Letter FY25
Parents Right to Know Letter FY25 - Spanish
School-Parent Compact FY25 - English & Spanish
IES Parent and Family Engagement Plan FY25 - English
IES Parent and Family Engagement Plan FY25 - Spanish
FY24 Title I Survey Results and Responses
Title I Schoolwide Plan
FY24 Title I Schoolwide Plan English
FY24 Title I Schoolwide Plan - Spanish
The Title I Parenting Schoolwide Plan is available during school hours and is located in the front office and in our Parent Resource Center. You are welcome to review the plan at all PTSO meetings, as well. Please stop by at your convenience to review the plan. Should you wish a printed copy, feel free to email our Parent Coordinator at amanda.swint@carrollcountyschools or contact her during school hours at 678-840-5101.
The Carroll County School System is focused on providing premier opportunities for all students, and your feedback is important to us. We are asking parents to participate in a brief survey to assist us in making improvement plans.
Title I Coordinators
System Parent and Family Engagement Coordinator:
Kay Morgan
Email: kay.morgan@carrollcountyschools.com
Phone: 678-890-1416
School Parent and Family Engagement Coordinator:
Amanda Swint
Email: amanda.swint@carrollcountyschools.com
Phone: 678-840-5101